Sunday, April 05, 2009

Yesterday we were out of town at Ms. C.'s final gymnastics competition - state finals. She was nervous and it was her poorest competition ever - I felt so bad for her. We did celebrate the end of season afterward though (and overall a good season for her). She wanted to go to IHOP so we stopped there on the way home and all ate WAY too much food. This is her last year competing which will be a really great thing for her. She feels too much pressure competing, especially from my husband(who is very competitive). Now she can still have fun, be active, etc. She can always go back later if she is ready but for now she can just have fun and re-build her confidence.

We got home yesterday and were all exhausted. Cleaned a little bit today and yesterday. We also watched a couple of movies. The girls played school, dress-up, etc.

Today I went into Miss E.'s room to put some clothes away. As I sat on her bed I noticed the entire side of the dresser was COVERED with stickers. I spent a good 15 minutes getting the stickers off, salvaging the ones I could and putting in a sticker book. I called her up to help me and explained that stickers were for paper or a sticker book, NOT furniture.

I was SO thankful the stickers peeled right off with minimal scraping.....Ah, kids.

Off to make dinner.

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